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Unilateral Nondisclosure Agreement

(Also known as an “NDA” or “Confidentiality agreement”)

Business Owner: This is a one-way nondisclosure agreement. Only one party is bound to keep the information a secret. This agreement, as written, also runs forever, meaning it does not expire. Confidentially agreements or NDA’s can run indefinitely (forever) or on a certain date or event.  If you do not wish for this agreement to last forever, you can write into the “Term” section an expiration date or event for when non-disclosure will end.  You will also want to consider writing “CONFIDENTIAL” in bold letters on any documents with proprietary information (that you want kept secret) and that is shown to the recipient. You may also want to send a memorandum summarizing the “CONFIDENTIAL” information that was discussed and give and mark the memo “Confidential” in bold letters. This will remind everyone of the nature of the information and of their obligation to protect it.

How to Use this Form:

1) Download the Word Document (so that document can be edited).

2) Read through the ENTIRE AGREEMENT at least once before editing.

    (Become familiar with the form and any documents you may need).

3) Revise the HIGHLIGHTED Information as needed.

4) Read and Delete any NOTES that may be written in.

5) And last, confirm that ALL parties identified. Execute (Sign) the Agreement.

6) Keep a COPY of the Signed Agreement in your files.