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Trademark Cease & Desist Letter – Similar Mark

Business Owner: if someone is infringing on your common law or registered trademark, you can send them this cease-and-desist letter.  You do not need to have officially registered your trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to have trademark rights.  This Cease & Desist Letter should be used when the Infringer is using a similar, but not identical, Trademark to yours.

You may consider attaching a copy of your Trademark as well as the infringing mark to this letter. We also recommend that this Notice be sent by Certified Mail and Email Read Receipt. 

How to Use this Form:

1) Download the Word Document (so that document can be edited).

2) Read through the ENTIRE AGREEMENT at least once before editing.

    (Become familiar with the form and any documents you may need).

3) Revise the HIGHLIGHTED Information as needed.

4) Read and Delete any NOTES that may be written in.

5) And last, confirm that ALL parties identified. Execute (Sign) the Agreement.

6) Keep a COPY of the Signed Agreement in your files.

**OPTIONAL – Put this Form on your Company’s Letterhead or add your Logo at top to look more “Official.”