For special discounts on templates: 

Event Photography

If you’re hired to photograph a live event (including, but not limited to, speaker events, retreats, business meetings, etc – but NOT a Wedding or related Wedding work i.e. engagement. That is a separate contract.), you can have the client sign this form. It allows you, the photographer, to retain copyright ownership of the photos.

How to Use this Form:

1) Download the Word Document (so that you can edit it);

1) Download the Word Document (so that document can be edited).

2) Read through the ENTIRE AGREEMENT at least once before editing.

    (Become familiar with the form and any documents you may need).

3) Revise the HIGHLIGHTED Information as needed.

4) Delete any NOTES that may be written in.

5) And last, confirm that ALL parties identified. Execute (Sign) the Agreement and the Client

    (Bride & Groom) Initial Each Page. 

6) Keep a COPY of the Signed Agreement in Your files.

**OPTIONAL – Put this Form on your Company’s Letterhead or add your Logo at top to look more “Official.”