Business Owners: If you are a marketing company of any kind, you can use this agreement for your clients to clearly outline the types and scope of services you will provide, the expectations you have of the client, and the expectations the client has of you. By signing this Agreement, both Parties commit to a collaborative partnership with the goal of achieving specific marketing objectives, ensuring that the client benefits from the expertise of the marketing firm, and that the firm understands the client’s business needs and expectations.
How to Use this Form:
- Download the Word Document (so that the document can be edited)
- Read through the ENTIRE AGREEMENT at least once before editing
- Become familiar with the form and any documents you may need
- Revise the HIGHLIGHTED Information as needed
- Delete any NOTES that may be written in
- Confirm page numbers are accurate
- Confirm that ALL parties are identified; execute (sign) the Agreement
- Keep a COPY of the Signed Agreement in your files